1/26/23 Vlog #10 Shooting Schedules

    Shooting schedules need to be planned carefully because at any time weather or pandemics can unexpectedly occur at any moment. These issues could even delay a film, ruin a film, or the film wouldn't even be possible to publish to the public. Examples of this can be seen in Black Widow, during the pandemic this movie got delayed because of Covid-19. We will make sure to plan carefully and keep track of the weather and stay on top of other things so that way we can complete our film in time. The way we'd like to organize our shooting schedule can be shown similarly to this photo keeping everything organized and updating things to date. We would also need to be on top of everyone else's schedules, assuming the fact that people in my group may have plans we would have to find times when everyone is available, to ensure that we will be able to film properly. Some issues with shooting may be that people might not want to cooperate and we'd have to make a completely new schedule with new ideas. One of the other issues with film schedules is maybe on the day we have a shoot someone may not feel well or got sick, and this can add up and lead to delays. So to ensure that everyone is safe and does not get injured or sick we will take certain protocols so that way everyone is on top of all of their assignments without concern. If someone does manage to get sick or injured we’d have to take protocols and work slowly but surely. With this being said shooting schedules are important to stay on top of and keep organized.

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