1/11/23 Vlog #3 Social Commentary

     Social Commentary is how this film will impact society and what goes on in the real world. My short film will emphasize the fact that there is too much violence in the world and there are other ways to solve things than just violence. The gang that is hunting down their targets represents there is too much conflict between groups and certain people that shouldn't have conflict. Similar to the book and film Ponyboy where there is a group called the Socs and the Greasers. The Mafia boss being a religious person shows that even if someone believes in something good there can always be something bad that they are hiding and doing. This shows that no matter how nice or good a person may seem they could be doing something that no one knows similar to Walter White in Breaking Bad, a drug dealer that hides his secret away from his family and friendsThe way the people they are hunting down will act is nervous and scared showing how people are frightened and don't want conflict with each other and instead could solve things using a different route.  There is no reason for people to go out and kill people no matter what the reason is. I can relate this to the real world with certain gangs like Mara Salvatrucha and they are responsible for the killings of innocent people. So with that being said I want my film to represent gang conflict and open up the viewer's eyes. Trying to see what we can do to help these issues in the real world whether it's talking to someone about it or starting protests and showing people how bad this really is. If we can get people to realize that gang wars and conflicts are terrible, trying to help each other out, the world would be a much better and safer place. So this film will emphasize the effects that conflicts between two groups can go a long way.

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