1/12/23 Vlog #4 Color Choices

  Color can have a great effect on a movie whether it's clothing, the color of the room they are in, or even props. Color can be a useful tool when it comes to showing how different characters feel and represent. I want the main character, the boss to be wearing a black colored suit showing that he is empty and feels no remorse for the people he kills. Similar to John Wick he goes around killing people not caring about them or their lives but just seeking revenge. Black will be my color choice also because it is a simple color. But a boss is a complicated man and having more of a background than just wanting to kill people gives off the effect that there is more to him than just that. The mobsters will be wearing sleeveless white T-shirts showing that they are simple and basic just doing what they are told by the boss. But they will also be wearing black sunglasses symbolizing they are meant to be hidden and away from being noticed. The priest will be wearing a black vestment with a cross and maybe holding a bible representing that he is a religious leader and follower that brings everyone together. The outfit will be similar to the main character in First Reformed. The people he will be going after will be dressed in a blue T-shirts showing they are alone and have no one to call for help. Blue is also a good color because it is similar to the color of water and water is similar to tears showing that they are sad and in danger.

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