1/23/23 Vlog #7 Pros and Cons of being in a group

     Being in a group and working together can be a gift and a curse. This is because one person may agree on something and someone else won't which could create conflict between the group. My group struggled with focusing and getting work done, I had some really good ideas at least I thought they were good ideas and my group disagreed with me. So we all decided to chime in and work together on something we all agreed on. This issue can be seen with James Cameron and Patty Jenkins as it can be shown two filmmakers were disagreeing with each other. My group may disagree with each other here and there when it comes to ideas but we all have to make sure to all agree on one thing so that no one is mad at each other and we all agree on the same things. We need to improve on working faster that way when the due date comes we are ready to edit little minor problems we have and turn our stuff in. Our next project is the storyboard and scripts which means we have to sit down and talk about how we will do things, the thing is it can be challenging to make a script if the whole group doesn't agree and we may have to retry or restart depending on how each member thinks of it. This image can be shown of different people working on the same script and this is how I want it to look when my group is done, all used up, highlighted, and edited. As far as our storyboard goes we need to start working harder and more efficiently so we have enough time to work, edit, and turn it in within the amount of time. But with the help of a group and if we stay organized we should be able to, hopefully, everyone works together and we cooperate to complete what needs to be completed. The challenging thing I can see about all of us working together is agreeing with things and disagreeing with certain things for example if I like one part of the script and my members don't we would have to rearrange certain things. The other issue may be who is leading the group and does that person have the requirements and leadership to give us ideas to think about and collaborate with.

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