1/24/23 Vlog #8 My Movie's Genre

     A genre is a category of a certain book or movie, for example, Iron Man's genre is action because of all the action, and fight scenes that go on during the film. My movie's genre will also be action, I will include different fight scenes like this scene from The Godfather. We decided to go with action since we were inspired by all the different epic combat scenes there will be in the film. Our movie will be filled with action scenes and fights to make sure our film is the definition of action. When viewers think of action they think of fighting, hero vs villain, and shooting, I want my film to include and provide more than the hero vs villain hero wins cliche. I find that when the villain is more dominant and wins more often it makes the film more interesting. This means that the better the villain will is the more it will take to defeat him the more it will take to defeat means more action, more fights, and harder battles. Making this film a perfect action movie, I've seen something like this in Avengers Infinity War. Where the villain Thanos wins at the end of the movie. The few problems we will have when creating this film may be how we hit the actor without actually injuring them and scouting out locations where it would make it perfect for filming and fighting. Action will be hard to create because there are many things we would have to keep in mind from what props we want and how we want our actors to work together to create the perfect scenes. The cameraman will implement different shots that are well-known and very common in action scenes to make our film really special and pop out more.

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