1/27/23 Vlog #11 Interesting shots I would implement into my film

     Multiple shots are used in film to emphasize the mood and tone of what’s happening in the scene. for example oblique angle shots could be used for setting tones for an action scene like this photo from Thor https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/84/ba/5b84ba3cbf8419241bfc0731018206b5.jpg. The different variations of shots we would use would be for one scene we’d have a high angle shot of the car pulling into the Church to show the whole scene and where the next setting is. There would be a shot of all of the men exiting the vehicle with a long take of all of them going towards the church. The boss will hold the handle of the church and the camera would zoom into his hand holding the doorknob similar to this scene from Home Alone  https://youtu.be/ImnDp7ZyPCA. Since it shows the thought of should he enter the church in my movies case. After he enters the church there will be a shot of the two goons outside of the church a medium low angle shot showing their power and dominance. It would then switch back to the inside of the church with a track shot of the boss walking into the coonfession box with the priest. It would then switch back to the goons as they see their target the camera will take a long take of the target walking by while the camera tracks him. The goons will slowly follow behind the target with a over the shoulder shot while they hold their bats. As they get closer they will start beating up their target with an oblique angle shot showing that action is occurring. After that the boss will come out of the door of the church and the goons will be behind him as the camera zooms out while they get back into the car and leave.

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