1/9/23 Vlog #1 My Intention for the viewer

     The intention I have for my viewers is to make them feel ominous and curious as to what is happening and why my characters are doing what they are doing. I will use dark lighting to make the whole scene mysterious. it will add a layer of confusion as everything is dark it is hard to see what is going on. I want the viewer to understand that there is a conflict between the mafia boss and the people around him and that he has these goons to help him out with his work aka hitmen. My intention for the viewer is to make him/her scared and worried about the group's targets and make the viewer feel pitiful of the targets. along with making them worried I want to make them wonder why and what was the purpose of killing these people? whether it was for revenge or just because there is a conflict between the people they are after and the only way to settle things is with brute force and violence. For example in John Wick (Directed by Chad Stahelski) the character John Wick hunted down the people behind the murder of his dog and the theft of his car in this scene here. The mafia boss is a follower of God and I want the viewer to understand the fact that even though he is a religious person he hires people to murder other people. The viewer should feel scared when the mafia boss and his crew show up or at least slightly intimidated by the power he holds and controls like Thanos from Infinity war. This scene shows evidence and what I want the viewer to feel, the boss is seen as Thanos, and the targets are seen as Thor. While the mafia boss holds the power, the targets, or Thor, in this case, are weak and not very strong.

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