2/15/23 Vlog #19 My story board

     Storyboards are crucial when it comes to filming because it shows how the story and film will be played out. No matter what film it may be there will always be a screenplay or storyboard to show the actors and producers what will happen and how. In my case what was guiding me and my storyboard was different films that had a similar concept to mine. For example, my group wanted to make our film and story similar to the godfather's screenplay so we tied up religion and mafia gangs together. As you can see here in our script so far we want to create a storyboard similar to the godfather so that is what guided the storyboard. The main parts of our film that we had to explore and expose were the part that they are violent but supported religion. The reasoning for this is that it creates a sense of irony that they are religious although they kill other people. The challenges with this were that we all had to make sure we agreed on the script and decide what roles were whose. We decided that this format was best because it showed actions that we needed to include and dialogue in a way that we all understood it. Keeping everything organized on the storyboard meant that during filming it will keep it organized as well leaving as less complications out as much as possible. Our actors and cameramen will follow the script to ensure good quality so that way the film is played out the way it's meant to be played out. So in the end, my storyboard comes with great challenges and coordination.

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