2/21/23 Vlog #25 Our Opening Scene

    Opening scene: The opening scene in the film is the beginning of the story and can tell the viewer an idea of what the film is about. Maybe for example if the opening scene is in the school it could be about school or something around it like The Breakfast Club’s opening scene. This shows what the film is about and why I like the different social concepts and stereotypes. In my case, my opening scene will be a car pulling into the parking lot of a church showing that the film is about and around the church. The problem with creating this scene is that no one in my group has a permit. The solution we could use to fix this problem is to ask one of our friends that has a permit to help us with this scene. Another idea we have is one of the goons walking up to the victim's house with a baseball bat. This will show that the character wants to beat up the person inside and build suspense for the scene. I want the opening scene to be confusing and make the viewer think of what’s going on or what is happening without context to make them more invested in the film like this scene in Breaking Bad. This creates suspense and intimidation and curiosity as to what is going on. My group will create something similar to this scene but make it our opening scene, so far we have the character with the baseball bat entering the victim's house. In the final summary, there are different ways to create opening scenes to add uniqueness to a film and give the viewer a short answer as to what this film will be about.

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