2/3/23 Vlog #12 Genre Convention or Tropes

    Tropes are a common repetitive concept in film, for example, the dumb blonde girl in horror movies always looks like she is "purposely" trying to get killed. My movie will include the trope of gangs that hate each other and both come from bad backgrounds also known as the bad boys similar to ponyboy where two groups that are mad at each other fight. My characters have been treated badly during childhood and the only way they know how to resolve things is through violence. They all hated school growing up, they were dropouts, and the only way they could find a way to make money was through committing crimes and theft. The people that are getting killed or the other group that they are mad at will be scared and intimidated as they scramble and try to figure out what they will do to defend or stop the criminals. The two thugs that the mafia boss has in his group will have the trope of them being extremely quiet and serious with their monotone faces like Morpheus and the agents in the Matrix. This creates the trope that they are quiet and focused on business and appear to be like businessmen that are getting work done. While the mafia boss only speaks when he has to and discusses with people in an organized matter making him seem professional and intimidating as another trope. But when the two thugs and the mafia boss have conversations with each other they are comfortable with each other making them look unified and part of a group. Although when a normal person or person the mafia boss doesn't know speaks to him he will speak to him with a certain tone that will make the other person scared. Some other things I can include are the thugs stealing anything they can get their hands on and giving it to the boss in exchange for money, like valuable items or devices. I want my film to have tropes included in it but break the mold to create a different feel for the viewer and not make it ordinary and basic.

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