2/4/23 Vlog #13 Time Management

  Time is of the essence when it comes to film and having to follow the storyboard. It is essential to ensure everything is turned in and completed on time and on its due date. Different big film companies need to make sure they can get film work done efficiently and fast so that way they can revise and edit anything prior to the raw film. In our case, the problems we had were that and one of my other group members participate in out-of-school activities. This makes it complicated for all of us to come together and work on our film after practice. On top of that, I got sick the week before making it complicated for us to film and work as a group even with that being said we made sure that everything was turned in on time. What we did to solve this was we got in our group and communicated with each other on which role belongs to who kind of like a director in a way. Using this strategy helps the group to stay organized and coordinated that way less time is wasted and more time is used to turn assignments in on their due date. Another strategy we can use to make sure we turn in our short film clips on time is a shooting schedule, and this is similar to what I want it to look like. The other issue we ran into was the shooting session was a day before our due date so we kind of had to rush but make things look the best we could without editing. Everything managed to work out it in the end because we took many shots in a good amount of time to ensure that everything was completed on time. In the final analysis, our group from now on will make sure to manage our time correctly and wisely to get everything done even earlier than the due date.