2/5/23 Vlog #14 Props

     Props are essential for films and can create symbolism/importance for a film. For example, a good example of symbolism and importance is the infinity gauntlet in Avengers Infinity War. The prop my group has implemented so far is a baseball bat. But to add to that basic common baseball bat we got colored food dye that was red and covered the baseball bat with the food dye to make it look like blood. We did not only use the food dye on the baseball but on one of the actors to say he murdered someone with that baseball bat. The baseball bat resembles symbolism because it says peace on it and as the mafia boss is religious he wants "peace" but in the clip, the word peace is upside down to show the situation really isn't peaceful. But the first problem we ran into was we had nothing to use for blood, to begin with so we had to go around the neighborhood and ask for food dye or red syrup. The problem with this was we wasted time and didn't have enough per se to make mistakes with so the first shot with the use of blood was the only shot we had. The use of blood on the baseball bat created a great concept and alternative to blood. We decided to use the baseball bat as a prop because it is a classic tool used for harming people and when our group thought of violence and people getting beat up it was a baseball bat.

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