2/9/23 Vlog #16 Thematic Message

     Thematic messages are basically messages and themes that the movie provides and represents. For example, the movie The Breakfast Club provides a theme that everyone should be seen as who they are not what they look like. This can be implemented into the world and how it plays out in society. In my case, my film includes violence and how it influences the world, people, and surroundings showing that there are many other ways to solve things other than violence. There are many different types of violence but the type my film includes is gang violence and conflict between two certain groups and people. The message that this film will provide to the viewers and people watching is that violence is an option but should not be prioritized and selected for a majority of reasons. The film will include factors prior to murders and attempted murders to show what could happen or would happen after a murder showing the complications and cons of violence. For example, the film Departed shows two groups of men working together to help one another out which shows not only gang but gun violence and the effects it has on society. After the murders of those two people, they now have to run and hide away from the cops leading to even worse events later on in life. The way I will portray the theme in my film is similar to this but I will have one of the group members beat up one of the other people on the opposing side showing gang violence. The other person will try to tell the group member to stop and talk about it but the group member is so mad and frustrated that it will lead to him killing the other person anyways. In conclusion, my film will include the thematic message of gun violence and gang violence and how they can impact people's lives and society.

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