Credits are important for films because it shows all the different roles, amounts of people, and work it took into creating that film. The credits give hence credit to the people that contributed to the film in any sort of way whether it was a cameraman, editor, storyboard, actor, director, etc. The credits consist of three things typically the name, the position that was given to that said name, and the companies that the film company worked with at the end. Credits can start at the start of the film Pulp Fiction this is typically how earlier films included credits. But now it is more normalized for credits to start at the conclusion of the movie like Deadpool 2 . In my group's case we'd want to start the film with our credits as they fade away while the movie plays and goes on just like in Home Alone . The reason for doing it that way is because we only have the intro of the film so putting the credits at the end of the intro would mean that the credits would...