2/26/23 Vlog #30 Things that failed in my film
Whenever it comes to filming no matter what film it is, there will always be mistakes made or things that they couldn't include in the movie. Something that prevented films from working and caused many problems in the film was censorship so they had to find workarounds like in Psycho . These workarounds are used to make the film more mysterious as to what's going on. Things that we had trouble with in our film and ended up not being included were things that had to do with mostly props. To begin with, we wanted to use red food dye (corn syrup) in this case. The issue with that was that we didn't have enough red corn syrup to make a blood effect. We tried using as much corn syrup as we could but turned out we didn't have enough. So by just using the props that we had we couldn't make that blood-splatter effect we wanted. The solution to this? Well, when we get to the point we have to edit we can add in the bloody effect to make it look realistic. Our first idea ...